REI Foundation – Reggio Emilia Innovazione, manages Reggio Emilia Tecnopolo since the end of 2017 and brings consulting services to enterprises, in particular for innovation processes, for technological transfer and research in industrial and technology field, thanks to its competences and certifications. Fondazione REI is a Center for innovation and Technological Transfer of the Reggio Emilia Tecnopolo of the High Technology Network (HTN) of Emilia Romagna Region: it collaborates with Universities, Research entities, Institutions, Enterprises, Associations and involves talents and professionals, regarding:
- Promotion of scientific research and technology innovation through activities in the field of technology for organization, production and communication with research functions, information, acknowledgement and demonstration of technical-scientific and juridical-normative development of innovation processes;
- Communication and collaboration between the world of Research, Universities, Entrepreneurship and production;
- Development of competences and results of research through activities of Technological Transfer and innovation processes, through both internal and external competences;
- Consulting and Testing thanks to related laboratories
- Technical support through its laboratories, in particular regarding:
- Electro-magnetic compatibility, where it manages one of the biggest anechoic chambers in Italy
- Electronics of Power
- Electronic systems for battery uses, conversion of energy (in particular of automotive and mechanical sectors)
- Fluid Dynamics and hydraulics
- Participation and national and international support projects for its contacts network in Europe;
- Innovative Start Up incubator management.